Sleeping with a Baby Bump - Best Mattress Best Mattress Sleeping with a Baby Bump - Best Mattress
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Sleeping with a Baby Bump

Woman Sleeping with a baby bump

Trying to get comfortable with a baby bump is a constant concern. Sleeping brings an entirely new world of problems. Medical professionals recommend sleeping on your left side if you are pregnant as it allows for proper blood flow to the fetus. Since you are limited to only one sleeping position in a body that is already uncomfortable, a proper mattress will make a world of difference in how well-rested you are each night!

Sleeping through the night is rare for many pregnant women, especially toward the end of the third trimester. Since the body needs proper rest, here are some tips to help expectant women sleep comfortably through the night:

  • Drink more water during the day and limit the intake of water closer to bedtime to reduce the number of times you need to wake up to use the restroom.
  • Use a body pillow designed for pregnant women to aid in elevating the head to avoid heartburn. A body pillow also helps with reducing strain on the stomach and back muscles as you can rest the baby bump on the pillow.
  • Regular exercise is another way to reduce problems sleeping. Exercise will improve circulation and reduces leg cramps and other concerns.
  • Replace your current mattress if it is eight years old or older as it can lead to problems sleeping. As the fetus grows, the body will shift and change, making it difficult to sleep for many women. An updated mattress will provide plenty of structure and support, allowing a pregnant woman to sleep better.
  • Practice breathing techniques designed to aid in assisting with contractions when they do develop. Deep breathing can help the body relax, improving the ability to sleep better.
  • Speak with your doctor if you have insomnia or difficulty sleeping after trying the above tips.

Why should you purchase a new mattress from a Best Mattress? There is a link between a healthy baby and mother and proper rest. Many women feel extremely exhausted in the first trimester and need to take multiple short naps throughout the day. Restful sleep during the night is vital to a woman’s health during pregnancy.

According to recent research, 75% of pregnant women are sleep-deprived during pregnancy. Pregnancy does cause frequent wakefulness during the night. A proper mattress can aid in reducing how long it takes to get comfortable and falling back to sleep after awakening at night. Some of the things to look for in a high-quality mattress includes:

  • Motion isolation
  • Cooling technology with effective airflow through the mattress to reduce overheating
  • Memory foam or latex
  • Medium firmness

Additionally looking into an adjustable bed frame to put you into a more comfortable position can be very helpful as well. Some woman struggle sleeping on a flat bed, and prefer a rocker or couch. Getting an adjustable base to go along with your new mattress can offer an even better nights sleep than a mattress alone! Come visit your nearest Best mattress store to learn more about our mattresses and to find the right one to help you during your pregnancy.