When is the Best Time to Buy a Mattress? - Best Mattress
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When is the Best Time to Buy a Mattress?

Couple sitting on a luxury mattress reading comfortably

Your mattress is a long-term investment. You buy a new one in the hope that it will provide you with years (or even decades) of perfect and blissful slumber. However, there comes a time when virtually any mattress can start to go bad. The comfort and support that they once offered can begin to wane as the mattress deteriorates following years of pressure. Lumps, bumps, and intrusive springs can start to be felt as you’re trying to doze off. While you may be less than thrilled by the prospect of forking out for a replacement mattress, you know that your nights spent on your existing one are numbered.

When you’re buying a new mattress, you want to be assured that you’re getting the very best value for your money. It’s important not to cut corners on your mattress. A poorly designed mattress or one made with substandard materials will eventually create more problems than it solves. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find great deals on premium quality mattresses. If you don’t want to sacrifice quality for value, timing is of the essence. Here are some of the best times to buy a new mattress.

When Your Mattress Is Between 7-10 Years Old

According to the Better Sleep Council, you should replace your mattress every 7-10 years to maintain optimum comfort and support throughout the night. After this period your mattress will be less comfortable and it may be harder to find the right position that helps you to drift off to sleep. Also, as you move throughout the night, an older mattress may not give you the support you need and you may find that you wake up in the night. You may not remember it in the morning, but it can disrupt the restful sleep you need for good health.

Still, this gives you a comfortable margin in which to bide your time and seek out the best deals on the mattress of your dreams.

Late Winter

If your mattress starts to give you neck and back pains or restless nights in winter, this is a great time to replace your mattress. The post-Christmas months are a great time to pick up deals on mattresses (and just about anything else). Many retailers are keen to coax thrifty consumers back out of their homes after the seasonal spend-a-ton of the holiday season in the months of January and February during President’s Day. You can typically find discounts of at least 10-20% when mattress shopping in these months.

Or, if you can hold out a little longer, try…

Early Spring

During the months of April and May, most retailers get an influx of new models in store. To make space for them, they may offer generous discounts on the prior year’s models. This means you can get hold of a fantastic mattress for a fraction of the price. Usually, you can make savings anywhere between 10-50%. What’s more, if you’re looking to make further savings, now’s the perfect time to go looking for display models. These may have endured a tiny amount of wear from being tried out by other customers, but they can also be sold at massively discounted rates. You can generally find discounts of 50% or even more when you buy a display mattress.

Holiday Weekends

When people aren’t working they tend to be shopping. And in order to capitalize on this, mattress retailers will often try to coax customers through their doors with attractive deals on a wide selection of mattresses. Go shopping for a new mattress on any of the following and you could find yourself enjoying generous discounts:

  • Black Friday Weekend.
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Presidents Day Weekend
  • Fourth of July Weekend

The great thing about holiday weekends is that they’re sprinkled throughout the year. This means that whenever your mattress feels like it’s about to give up the ghost, you’re never too far away from a potentially great deal.

Any Time Can Be The Best Time

The above recommendations can help you to increase your chance of getting a great deal on your dream mattress. Nonetheless, it shouldn’t be the reason why you have to put up with your old, uncomfortable mattress for months and months. If your mattress is giving you frequent back and neck pain, keeping you from getting your daily dose of restful sleep, or making you wake up in the night, you shouldn’t have to live with it any longer.

The truth is that while we’ve delineated some of the best seasons for deals, any time can be the best time to buy a mattress. At least, when you know where to look.

That’s where we come in! We take the blind luck and guesswork out of finding the best quality mattress at the very best prices.

Our 120 Day Sleep Guarantee

If you have owned your mattress for longer than 30 days and you aren’t happy with your set, Best Mattress is glad to exchange your mattress for 120 days from the date of purchase. Please see our full terms & conditions here.

Come See For Yourself!

Don’t take our word for it. Come and visit us at one of our locations in Las Vegas, St. George, or Mesquite. You’ll find a warm welcome, free impartial advice, and the best deals to help you find the perfect mattress at a price you’ll love!