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What Are Tempur-pedic Mattresses Made Of?

Selecting your next mattress is a significant responsibility. Not only is this an investment, but it also dictates how well you’ll sleep for the next ten years or so. And, given that sleep impacts everything from our health to our mental states, you could say that there’s a fair amount riding on your getting this right. The chances are, then, that you’ll want to know as much as possible about your potential future mattress. No one wants to jump in bed with a stranger, after all!

Let’s say, then, that you’re tempted by the lure of a Tempur-Pedic mattress. You wouldn’t be alone. Their widespread popularity and releases like the Tempur-LUXEBreeze have got us all going a little Tempur-crazy. But, there’s no need to buy into that hype blindly. Instead, you should research as much as you can to ensure that Tempur-Pedic really do offer what you neel.

Of course, Tempur material is by far the most important consideration here. It’s this ground-breaking memory foam which sets these mattresses so high above their competitors. As such, understanding the materials used can help you to decide whether to buy a Tempur-Pedic mattress or not. That’s why we’re going to delve right into those inner-workings here.

The Tempur-Pedic Technicalities

The materials used in Tempur-Pedic mattresses started life in NASA, and we all know how much quality matters when it comes to space travel. Tempur-Pedic has upheld this quality to such a high standard that they’re the only mattress company recognized by NASA and the Space Foundation. But, what exactly are the materials that they use? 

To explain this, we’ll need to get into a bit of jargon but bear with us. Basically, Tempur is a  polyurethane-based open-celled viscoelastic foam with temperature sensitivity to mold to your body. This is a foam which is famed for its slow recovery after compression, hence its memory capabilities. Every Temur-Pedic mattress includes a layered construction which works to eliminate pressure points as you sleep. These materials are produced in a company-owned facility, where very few people know the exact formulas needed. That ensures that Tempur-Pedic offers unique mattresses with comfort capabilities which are off their competitor’s scales.

The Benefits of Tempur-Pedic Materials

Jargon over, it’s time to get to the question we know you’re asking – how do these materials benefit your sleep? Knowing the name for something will only take you so far, after all, and sleep is sure to be your main priority here. The good news is that those viscoelastic things we spoke about do a whole lot to help you sleep, including: 

  • Temperature control
  • Minimal pressure points due to body molding
  • Pressure absorption
  • Less than 3% rebound during bed sharing

And, guess what? Each of these benefits can see you enjoying those peaceful sleeps which Tempur-Pedic are so famous for. If that sounds like something you would like from the materials in your next mattress, then, don’t hesitate to buy yours at the Tempur-Pedic Las Vegas mattress store, Best Mattress, today!