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Sleep Tip #8: National Cleaning Week

It’s time to spring clean your sleep routine!

The National Sleep Foundation, has three simple suggestions for your bedroom spring-cleaning plans.

  1. Crawl under a fresh comforter – You probably already wash your bed linens on a regular basis, but do not forget about washing your comforter or duvet cover as well.  Even though it may not touch your body directly, it still collects dust and dirt. The National Sleep Foundation’s own poll found that nearly three out of four people say they get a more comfortable night’s sleep when their bedding has a fresh scent.
  2. Wash your pillows and mattress –  Washing your pillows and mattress will help kill the dust mites that survived the winter. If you are allergic to dust mites, dander and other household allergens, consider investing in dust mite protective covers for your pillows and mattress. These prevent allergens from penetrating the fabric. The result is less itching, sneezing, and congestion and more restful sleep.
  3. Get rid of clutter – In addition to dusting and sanitizing surfaces, spend some extra time making sure that your bedroom is in order. An organized room puts your mind at ease and is more conducive to good sleep.

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Posted in Sleep Tips