Olive Crest Welcomes Young Adult Residents to Life-Changing Project Independence Facility - Best Mattress
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Olive Crest Welcomes Young Adult Residents to Life-Changing Project Independence Facility

logo_olive_crestOlive Crest National Office: 626.437.5569 (cell), 657-622-4137 (direct)

Heidi Riehl, Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Olive Crest Nevada Office: 702.835.1908 (direct)

Douglas Coombs, Executive Director

Former Foster Teens Get Housewarming Gifts and House Keys at ‘Welcome Home Party’

This August 15th marks the beginning of a promising new chapter for Southern Nevada residents Marvin and Malik.  For the first time in their young lives, these fledgling adults will get to experience a stable housing situation.  They will receive the keys to their very own apartments during a housewarming celebration hosted at Olive Crest’s Project Independence facility.

A little background:

At the age of ten, Marvin was removed from his mother’s home.  He then spent years being shuffled in and out of the child welfare system; without stability or consistent family support.  Now as an 18-year-old participant in Olive Crest’s Project Independence program, Marvin will live in a home of his own.  Nurtured by the support of Olive Crest mentors and coaches, he has been given a unique opportunity to build a new life.  So far, he has made great progress in working out his future.  Marvin is currently enrolled at College of Southern Nevada (CSN) where he has chosen to major in Business Management.

After his father was sent to prison, Malik, originally from Chicago, had to endure a volatile home environment.  After being removed from that situation by child protective services, he was eventually relocated to live with relatives in Las Vegas.  When placement with these relatives didn’t work out, Malik spent the next several years being shifted from one domicile to another.  Since he was able to join the Project Independence program, Malik has been working hard to make his dreams of a different life a reality.  He is determined to take the necessary steps towards another kind of future.  Enrolled in College of Southern Nevada, Malik plans to transfer to UNLV; where he will major in Accounting.

This celebration will include the presentation of some very practical house-warming gifts.  Best Mattress will furnish both living room and bedroom furniture for each apartment.  There will be a house key presentation to each young man accompanied by encouraging and inspiring words from Olive Crest, Best Mattress and Bank of America executives.  After the festivities, attendees will tour the new residents’ living quarters.

This new facility has been made possible by Bank of America’s $200,000 Neighborhood Builders Award; which was awarded to Olive Crest in December 2015.  The generous funding from Bank of America allows Olive Crest to expand its Project Independence Program.  It enables Olive Crest to offer housing assistance through scattered site apartments.  More than a place to live, the funding also means Olive Crest can provide guidance in regard to the best way to live.  This means specialized career training and educational assistance through tutoring and scholarships for program participants.

Olive Crest’s Project Independence Program was founded in 2013 with funding provided by Workforce Connection.  This program was designed to give a hand up to the nearly 1500 youth who have transitioned out of foster care since 2004 in Southern Nevada.

WHEN:                                   Monday, August 15    1:00pm

MEDIA CALL TIME:             12:30pm.

WHERE:                                 2301 Redwood St., Las Vegas, NV 89146

VISUALS:                               Executives from Olive Crest, Best Mattress and Bank of America as they welcome two young adults to their new homes; Olive Crest staff presenting the new residents with keys and housewarming gifts; Interior and exterior tours of the living facilities

INTERVIEWS:                       Douglas Coombs, Executive Director, Olive Crest

                                                David Mizrahi, President Best Mattress; mobile: 702 -423-3661

                                               Al Welch, Las Vegas President, Bank of America