Best Mattress Helps At Risk Kids In Las Vegas | Best Mattress
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Best Mattress Helps at Risk Kids in Las Vegas, NV

Best Mattress, as a company, has always been passionate about giving back! Which is why we have partnered with OliveCrest, an organization dedicated to helping children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected. In addition to offering emergency support, medical care, mental health services, and financial assistance to emancipated youth, OliveCrest is also dedicated to giving these kids a safe place to live.

Because many youth in the foster care system emancipate from the system when they turn 18, these kids are at risk for becoming homeless and struggling with lifelong poverty. In fact, because a staggering 30%-50% of emancipated youth will become homeless within a year and a half of leaving the foster care system, these kids need somewhere to go and a path towards becoming a productive adult.

Best Mattress Furnishes OliveCrest Apartments

To create a safe, comfortable place for newly emancipated youth to live, OliveCrest and Best Mattress are working together to provide apartments for these youth. Best Mattress has promised to furnish as many of these apartments as OliveCrest is prepared to offer, creating a stronger launching pad for kids who have struggled with past abuse. To raise money for this cause, OliveCrest is hosting two events in the Las Vegas area within the coming year.

“Be The Change”

On April 29th, OliveCrest is hosting an evening of hope dedicated to raising money for the emancipated youth program. Held at Crimson Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa, this event features a high-energy dance club and silent auction. In addition to meeting the kids who have been helped through the various programs OliveCrest offers, this event allows donors to see the scope of the change they can make by donating to such a good cause.

“Over the Edge”

Have you ever wanted to toss your boss off of the top of a building? As a fun way for employees to vent their frustrations, OliveCrest is hosting an “Over the Edge” event with Cesars Entertainment where executives will repel down the front of the building. This fundraiser has a goal of $120,000, giving companies a fun way to raise money for emancipated youth across Nevada.

To learn more about how Best Mattress is giving back, visit a Best Mattress Store in Las Vegas. You can also visit OliveCrest’s Facebook page to learn how to donate to their programs.