8 Things Ridiculously Successful People Do In The Morning - Best Mattress
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8 Things Ridiculously Successful People Do In The Morning

Whether we’re ready or not morning comes each and every day. Some days are easier to wake up than others. Sometimes we’re rolling out of our bed barely able to find our alarm clock. Maybe you’ll never be a morning person. But statistics show that waking up early and making good habits part of our routine will help us succeed in all areas of our life. Here are some habits that can really get you to enjoy your mornings more.

Drink lemon water

Drinking lemon water as soon as you wake up can spike your energy levels. It will help you physically and mentally. It can also help with digestion throughout your day which is bound to make you feel great.


It is not a new idea that exercise is beneficial. But when we exercise in the morning it will not only give us more energy but it will also boost your metabolism. Which will help us to burn calories throughout our day. And that has to make you feel good right? Successful people like Richard Branson, Tim Cook, and Disney’s Bob Iger all wake up well before 6:00am to get their bodies moving.


While checking and sending our email out daily and keeping up with social media has its place. We often forget to disconnect. We get so busy on our devices and it kind of secludes us away from the real world. Make it a habit to disconnect from electronics as part of your morning routine. You’ll find that it will start your morning off in a positive way.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Eating anything at all for breakfast puts you ahead of a lot of people. People who eat breakfast are less likely to be obese. But being conscientious of what it is you actually are putting in your body in the morning can really make a difference in your energy levels.

Practice mindfulness

Mindful meditation has become increasingly popular among highly successful CEOs. Each person has their own way they like to meditate and find some inner peace. This can also help eliminate stress and increase your happiness in life.

Set goals for the day

Benjamin Franklin was obsessive about planning his days. Each morning, he  would wake up at 4:00am and meticulously piece together a schedule. Planning your day also helps you to see the bigger picture and helps you prioritize and find out what it truly important for you, for that day.

Make certain your goals are realistic

There’s no point in setting goals if they aren’t realistic. Especially if you are new to making goals. Set a goal that you know you can accomplish. This will help you to feel successful and will make you want to set more goals. Take the time to ensure that your schedule for the day is doable.

Finally, say no

No is a powerful word. Protect your mornings by knowing when it’s time to say no. Saying no will open up opportunities you didn’t even know were out there. Don’t be afraid to say no. You deserve the time for yourself.

When you put good habits in place in your mornings your life will change and you’ll be able to see things a little clearer than you did before. It’s also important to get a good night’s sleep so when the morning inevitably comes around you’re ready to face it. At Best Mattress we can help you with that good night’s sleep. Trust your mattress store in Las Vegas to help you meet your fabulous sleep dreams a reality leading to having an incredible and successful start to your day.